Building an Effective Business Case Training
Course 212

Price: $970.00
Course Outline

In this Building a Business Case training course, you will learn the importance of carefully analyzing, creating, and communicating a successful business case to maximize its chance for approval. You will gain the skills to define desired outcomes, design evaluation criteria, weigh costs against benefits, and communicate a comprehensive business case to improve decision-making.

Building an Effective Business Case Training Benefits

  • In this Business Case Training, you will learn how to:

    • Analyze, create, and communicate a compelling business case.
    • Identify and prioritize alternative solutions to align with business criteria.
    • Perform cost-benefit analysis.
    • Identify the risks associated with an initiative.
  • Prerequisites


Building a Business Case Course Outline

Module 1: Business Case Fundamentals

Business case introduction

  • The reasons for constructing a business case
  • Introduction to the simulation

Business case content and context

  • The business case in the business project life-cycle
  • Business options in the business case
  • Business case content and structure
  • The Business Case as organizational process asset

The Business Case Process

  • Introducing the ADAPTS business case analysis process
  • Focusing on the required elements
  • Examining the role and value of the steps

Module 2: Managing Stakeholders and Requirements

Stakeholder Identification and Management

  • Identifying business-level stakeholders
  • Conducting stakeholder analysis
  • Harvesting stakeholder goals

Determining the Problem

  • Clarifying the business goals
  • Creating a Problem Statement

Documenting the scope

  • Turning goals into business requirements
  • Documenting the business requirements

Module 3: Selecting Options

Deducing key decision criteria

  • Weighting decision criteria
  • Determining possible alternatives

Researching alternatives

  • Examining the business options
  • Developing the options for presentation

Module 4: Identifying & Measuring Costs & Benefits

Estimating costs

  • Establishing costs
  • Evaluating and selecting financial appraisal methods
  • Creating and applying a basic cost model

Forecasting benefits

  • Categorizing tangible and intangible benefits
  • Proving intangible benefits with a benefits rationale

Investment appraisal

  • Employing four common financial analysis tools
  • Producing a cash flow model

Module 5: Managing Business Case Risk

Risk assessment methods and tools

  • Recognizing the impact of time and risk
  • Creating and using a risk register

Prioritizing risks

  • Applying a risk assessment matrix
  • Framing risk with your stakeholder analysis
  • Aligning risk evaluation with stakeholder point of view

Module 6: Presenting the Business Case

Targeting Your Recommendation

  • Delivering and positioning the solution
  • Aligning the business case with stakeholders
  • Aligning and prioritizing initiatives
  • Prioritizing and selecting alternatives
  • Selecting the business case delivery methodology

Crafting a Persuasive Business Case

  • Overcoming the business document paradox
  • Minimizing content to get maximum results

Presenting the Business Case

  • Organizing your presentation
  • Preparing the message
  • Sequencing the content

Tailoring your presentation to the audience

  • Selecting the delivery medium
  • Communicating your case with confidence
  • Validating your presentation
  • Generating feedback for improvement
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.