Model Based System Engineering with SysML
Course 3682

Price: $2,127.00
Course Outline

Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) is a megatrend in modern software and systems engineering – the key element in larger engineering transformation initiatives. Model-based, not document-based, MBSE clarifies understanding and has been empirically proven to significantly accelerate development projects.

This 3-day Hands-On course provides a solid grounding in MBSE project processes and how to build robust models using SysML notation and diagrams. Attendees will receive a solid grounding in MBSE and SysML with the understanding and confidence to participate and be successful as modern-day system engineers.

The course case study evolves from concept to full model and is achieved through comprehensive hands-on exercises developed entirely by the attendee. Those attending can choose to use Dassault/Magic Draw/Cameo or Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Model Based System Engineering with SysML Benefits

  • In this course, you will learn how to:

    • Explain the six goals of Model Based System Engineering
    • Transition through the four pillars of MBSE from Requirements to Structure to Behavior to Parametrics
    • Create and relate all 9 SysML diagrams with an understanding of the underlying model
    • Structure the model for testing, validation and requirements satisfaction
    • Leverage continued support with after-course one-on-one instructor coaching and computing sandbox
  • Certification Exam Information:

    • 40 questions
    • The passing score is 28/40 (70%)
    • This APMG exam will be invigilated during class by your instructor

Model Based System Engineering Instructor-Led Training Outline

Module 1: System Engineering Transformation

  • What is System Engineering Transformation?
  • Engineering Challenges
  • INCOSE Definition of MBSE
  • MBSE Benefits
  • An Architectural Approach
  • Document Generation
  • Activity: Discussion of modeling needs
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 2: Modeling Process and SysML Overview

  • Historical Context System Engineering
  • Waterfall to Agile/DevOps Tie In
  • Iterative and Incremental Development
  • Historical Context SysML
  • UML Roots
  • UML Diagram Set
  • Early vs Late Iteration
  • SysML Diagram Overview (9 not 13)
  • Four pillars of MBSE
  • Laying out a Model
  • Case Study – Shop and Go Smart Cart
  • Exercise 2.1 – Creating and Organizing a Model with SysML
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 3: Modeling Functional Requirements

  • What are Requirements?
  • Requirement Classification
  • Activity: Discussion – are these requirements?
  • Inputs to Requirements
  • Why start with the functional model?
  • Shop and Go Brief Description
  • SysML Notational Elements
  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Use Case Text
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Developing Use Cases
  • Identifying Actors
  • Exercise 3.1 – Discussion Identifying Actors and Use Cases
  • Debrief
  • Exercise 3.2 – Hands-On Adding Use Cases in SysML
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 4: The Structural Model

  • Composite Structure Diagrams (not in SysML)
  • Replaced by Block Definition Diagrams (BDDs)
  • <<block>> icon and symbology
  • Hierarchical Diagrams
  • Instances vs Type
  • Instances on BDDs
  • Exercise 4.1 – Overall Discussion of a Smart Cart
  • Debrief
  • Exercise 4.2 – Implementing and using BDDs
  • Debrief
  • Specialization on BDDs
  • Activity 4.3 – Demonstration of serialization
  • Correlating Different Diagrams
  • Software/Firmware Modeling within a System
  • Creating UML Class Diagrams
  • Process steps
  • Associations and Roles
  • Exercise 4.4 – Hands-On creating a Class Diagram
  • Debrief
  • Package Diagrams
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 5: Second Requirements Iteration

  • Six Goals of MBSE (6 slides)
  • How Much modeling is needed?
  • Modeling Process Walkthrough
  • Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Concerns
  • Capturing and Coordinating Concerns
  • Adding new requirements
  • Exercise 5.1 – Demonstration of upgrading a model
  • Requirements Diagrams
  • <<Satisfies>> and <<Validates>> relationships
  • Copy and Trace
  • Don’t Panic – it is simpler than it looks
  • Exercise 5.2 – Hands-On Adding a Requirements Diagram
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 6: The Behavioral Model

  • Moving from Structure to Behavior
  • Nature of Sequence Diagrams
  • Relating Activity Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams
  • Exercise 6.1 – Group Discussion – Flow of Make Purchase use case
  • Debrief
  • Exercise 6.2 – Hands On – Creating a Sequence Diagram
  • Debrief
  • State Modeling
  • What is State?
  • What is State Really?
  • Nature of State Diagrams
  • Sub-States
  • Ensuring absolutely every path is understood
  • Actions and guard conditions
  • Error detection vs error prevention
  • Exercise 6.3 – Group Discussion – States in Make Purchase
  • Debrief
  • Exercise 6.4 – Hands On – Adding a State Diagram
  • Debrief
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 7: Parametrics and Simulation

  • Know before you build
  • What are parametrics?
  • Defining a mathematical condition by formula
  • Exercise 7.1 – Group Discussion How big should the battery be?
  • Debrief
  • Exercise 7.2 – Hands-On Adding a Parametric Diagram
  • Debrief
  • Prove before you build
  • Automated validation of model elements
  • Running a simulation
  • Manual simulation
  • Automated simulation
  • Exercise 7.3 – Hands-On Running a Manual Simulation
  • Review Questions
  • References
  • Chapter Summary

Module 9: Course Summary

  • Closing Thoughts
  • Next Steps
  • Related Courses
  • Lagniappe
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.