Creating Dashboards with SharePoint Training
Course 1536

Price: $2,080.00
Course Outline

In this Creating Dashboards with SharePoint training course, you gain the knowledge and skills to leverage built-in SharePoint Business Intelligence capabilities and build reporting dashboards in SharePoint Server — allowing your organization to implement and visualize enterprise data. You will learn to integrate Excel worksheets and chart data, develop KPIs with PerformancePoint Services, present business insight from a variety of reports and data sources and connect Web Parts to display and filter data for analysis.

Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of exposing enterprise data that enables management to make informed business decisions. In this training course, you gain the knowledge and skills to leverage built-in SharePoint BI capabilities and build reporting dashboards in SharePoint Server — allowing your organization to implement and visualize enterprise data.

Creating Dashboards with SharePoint Training Benefits

  • In this training, you will:

    • Present business insight from a variety of reports and data sources.
    • Integrate Excel worksheets and chart data.
    • Develop KPIs with PerformancePoint Services.
    • Connect Web Parts to display and filter data for analysis.
  • Prerequisites

    • Basic understanding of SharePoint at the level of Course 1540, Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Training
    • Background knowledge of Excel, report development, or data analysis

Creating Dashboards with SharePoint Course Outline

Module 1: Creating Dashboards in SharePoint

  • Defining dashboards
  • Delivering dashboards with SharePoint
  • Customizing SharePoint web pages
  • Architecting Wiki and Web Part pages

Module 2: Publishing Excel in Dashboards

Leveraging Excel Access Web Parts

  • Displaying Excel in SharePoint pages
  • Connecting Excel Web Parts
  • Tailoring Excel Access Web Parts

Incorporating Excel Services

  • Evaluating Excel Services publishing options
  • Detecting parameters in Excel Services
  • Assembling Power Pivot in Excel

Module 3: Deploying Business Reports

Exposing SQL Server Reporting Services

  • Assessing capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Allocating a Reports Library
  • Adding SQL Server Reports to web pages

Utilizing third–party Web Parts

  • Enhancing dashboards with Web Parts
  • Integrating third–party Web Parts with List Data

Module 4: Implementing SharePoint Apps

Consuming SharePoint Lists as a data source

  • Uncovering SharePoint Lists as dashboard items
  • Enabling functionality of Lists with Views
  • Enhancing SharePoint Lists with metadata

Charting SharePoint Lists

  • Investigating charting options
  • Connecting Lists to charting Web Parts
  • Exhibiting SharePoint Lists on web pages

Module 5: Working with the Business Intelligence Center

Adopting Self–Service BI

  • Getting started using a BI Center
  • Identifying components of a BI Center site template
  • Benefiting from PerformancePoint functionalities
  • Configuring data connections

Planning for a successful dashboard

  • Gathering user information needs
  • Locating data sources
  • Sketching a mock–up

Authoring feature–rich content

  • Analyzing data structures for accuracy in reporting
  • Selecting Facts and Dimensions for business reporting
  • Consuming a Tabular Model and Analysis Services Cube
  • Engineering content for visualization

Exploiting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer

  • Producing reports, charts, graphs and filters
  • Formulating KPIs and indicators
  • Developing reports and scorecards to measure performance
  • Slicing and dicing with Power Pivot
  • Providing decomposition tree functionality

Building the dashboard in SharePoint

  • Combining reporting objects on a web page
  • Applying filters to reports and graphs
  • Extending KPIs with trend indicators
  • Targeting access to various audiences

Module 6: Enhancing Dashboards with SharePoint Web Parts

Drilling–down for root–cause analysis

  • Taking advantage of Out–of–the–Box Web Parts
  • Filtering Web Parts
  • Surfacing information with Query Web Parts
  • Displaying videos with Media Web Parts

Evaluating Web Part sources

  • Detecting third–party providers
  • Appraising the need for custom building

Module 7: Launching a Dashboard Portal

Designing intuitive navigation

  • Uncovering the need for navigation
  • Selecting SharePoint options for web page transitions

Building portal pages

  • Implementing Promoted Links App
  • Exploiting Links App
  • Leveraging Wiki page editing
  • Modifying Current and Global Navigation
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.