Introduction to C# Training
Course 419

Price: $2,080.00
Course Outline

In this hands-on introduction to C# training course, you’ll gain a comprehensive introductory coverage of C# as an object-oriented programming language for application development. You will obtain practical experience using C# and learn how to leverage the .NET Framework Library to quickly produce production-level programs.

In this C# training course, you will gain the programming skills needed to create applications using the C# language. You will learn the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details. Use of C# in all three tiers is discussed (user interface, business logic and data access) with focus on proper object-oriented coding.

Introduction to C# Training Benefits

  • Create, compile, debug, deploy and run C# programs
  • Write and understand C# language constructs, syntax, and semantics
  • Develop applications using the object-oriented concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Produce solid programs using industry-recognized multilayer architectures

Introduction to C# Instructor-Led Course Outline

Important Course Information


This course is an introduction to C# but not an introduction to computer programming. Experience using a modern procedural language, such as Visual Basic, Pascal, Java, or C/C++ is needed. It is not a sufficient prerequisite if you have only used SQL and/or HTML. Attendees require an understanding of concepts such as data types, variables, declarations, conditionals, loops, expressions, functions, parameter passing, and procedural language flow.

For those without the pre-requisite background, Course 502, Introduction to .NET Programming Training is recommended.

Module 1: Introduction to the C# Language

The evolution of C#

  • Comparing different versions of C#
  • Expressing C# models in UML

C# and the .NET infrastructure

  • Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
  • Managed code philosophy
  • Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and metadata

Module 2: Language Fundamentals

Data types and control constructs

  • Declaring implicit and explicit variables
  • Value and reference types
  • Unicode characters and strings

Defining and calling methods

  • The Main method specification
  • Passing arguments and returning values
  • The scope and lifetime of variables
  • Named and symbolic methods
  • Handling exceptions
  • Recovering resources

Employing .NET library classes

  • Avoiding collisions by using namespaces
  • Performing I/O using the stream class and serialization
  • Standard and Generic Collections

Module 3: Developing C# Classes

Defining classes

  • Encapsulating attributes with methods and properties
  • Providing consistent initialization using constructors
  • Overloading methods and constructors
  • Achieving reuse through inheritance and polymorphism

Creating and using objects

  • Allocating object memory with new
  • Passing initial values to constructors
  • Choosing value or reference allocation
  • Invoking methods and accessing properties

Module 4: Interconnecting Objects

Associating classes

  • Manipulating references
  • Physical vs. logical equivalence
  • Selecting collection library classes
  • Increasing reliability using generics

Exposing interfaces

  • Defining an interface specification
  • Interface polymorphism
  • Events and delegates

Module 5: Implementing and Enhancing C# Solutions

Components and Deployment

  • Manifests and assemblies
  • .NET assembly meta-model

Building multi-tier applications

  • Leveraging solid architectures (MVC and EDM)
  • Changing the user interface
  • Dealing with data using LINQ and Entity Framework
  • Employing delegates and lambda expressions
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.