Business Relationship Management (BRM) Training: Aligning IT & the Business
Course 902

Price: $1,844.00
Course Outline

In this Business Relationship Management (BRM) training course, you take on the role of a business relationship manager, learn to overcome communication barriers between IT and the business, leverage innovative best practices, and solve business problems in an IT environment. You learn to take on the role of the trusted IT adviser who can align the needs of the business with IT services.

Business Relationship Management (BRM) Training: Aligning IT & the Business Benefits

  • In this course, you will learn how to:

    • Build a strong alignment between IT and the business.
    • Plan a strategy that positions you as a trusted IT advisor to key stakeholders.
    • Choose IT projects that build trust and alignment.
    • Articulate IT solutions that meet business needs.
    • Differentiate your internal IT services for competitive solutions.
  • Prerequisites

    Two years of work experience in IT or business

Business Relationship Management (BRM) Course Outline

Module 1: Overview of Relationship Management

  • Why organizations need successful relationships between IT and the business
  • Balancing the needs of IT and the business
  • Effectively aligning IT investments and business goals

Module 2: Principles for Aligning IT and the Business

The trusted IT advisor

  • Recognizing how trust feels
  • Defining trust in an IT organization
  • Building a trusted relationship

Business Relationship Management (BRM) roles

  • IT relationship management vs. IT project management
  • Discovering your strengths and weaknesses
  • Required technical and social competencies

Module 3: Determining the Current State of IT

Defining a catalog of services

  • Identifying IT products and services
  • The components of an ideal catalog
  • Creating an initial catalog from scratch
  • Ranking services with metrics

Developing awareness of the organizational culture

  • The IntCRM Model
  • Overcoming common IT relationship barriers
  • Exploring how things get done in the organization
  • Applying tools for culture analysis

Module 4: Building the Trusted Relationship

Knowing your stakeholders

  • The stakeholder relationship life cycle
  • Classifying the roles stakeholders play
  • The importance of stakeholder power and influence

Optimizing the first meeting

  • Planning the meeting
  • Models for understanding people
  • Explaining the role of the BRM
  • Confirming relationships and roles
  • Leaving with actions

Planning the relationship strategy

  • Analyzing the relationship
  • Recruiting trusted teams
  • Forming the plan
  • Executing the strategy

Module 5: Facilitating Actionable IT Solutions

Performing competitive analysis

  • Evaluating IT outsourcing and consulting solutions
  • Establishing your competitive advantage

Identifying opportunities for improvement

  • Capturing, prioritizing and documenting business needs
  • Applying a framework for prioritizing and selecting projects
  • Picking quick-win projects

Designing a strategy to meet customer needs

  • Conducting a modified SWOT analysis
  • Questions you should ask
  • Making a go or no-go decision

Module 6: Winning Competitive IT Projects

Responding to requests

  • Differentiating your services from your competitors'
  • Communicating your internal IT capabilities to the business
  • Validating business needs in business terms

Selling your solutions to the business

  • Translating IT speak to business speak
  • Linking IT solutions to pains
  • Articulating IT solutions in terms of business value
  • Writing clear, tailored Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Managing project handoffs

  • Ensuring a seamless transition
  • Creating and maintaining communication channels
  • Building the relationship

The IT relationship scorecard

  • Establishing performance metrics
  • Assessing BRM success
  • Analyzing results
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.