Power BI for Business Users
Course 1363

Price: $488.00
Course Outline

The beginner-level Power BI for Business Users course will give you all the skills you need to jump-start your Power BI journey as a Power BI Business User. 

Power BI Business Users are required to interact with reports and dashboards, and many other objects created by Data Analysts, Business Intelligence Analysts and Report Designers. This course will assist you in navigating through the Power BI Service and exploring how to Filter, Search, use Focus or Full-screen mode and interact with powerful AI Visuals, such as Question and Answer (Q&A). You will also be shown how to use the Power BI App, which connects directly to the Power BI Service. These are just a few of the benefits of attendance.

During the course, you will learn what Dashboards, Reports, Visuals and Apps are and how to navigate the Power BI Service, enabling you to interact with those objects. You will interact with visuals to display the results how you want to view them by Sorting, Filtering and utilizing the in-built drill-down functionality. 

We will explore how to view visuals in Focus mode or Full-Screen mode, create a Data Alert, and work with Q&A using human-readable questions.

Course closure will include a Questions and Answers section describing how to access additional support, such as Coaching and Follow-Up sessions. The course will close with an Evaluation to enable you to provide targeted feedback.

Power BI for Business Users Benefits

  • In this course, you will learn:

    • The basic concepts for Power BI Business Users
    • What is the Power BI Service and how to interact with it
    • To understand what a Power BI App is
    • How to utilize Power BI Dashboards, Reports and Visuals to answer Business questions
    • How to subscribe to dashboards or reports
    • Set data alerts to notify you when a threshold is passed
    • Use Q&A to ask questions using natural language
    • How to interact with the Power BI Cell Phone/Mobile App
    • Printing and exporting reports
  • Training Prerequisites

    There are no prerequisites for this course. It is a beginner’s level course and is aimed at non-technical business users. All accounts and licenses are provided, and there is no requirement to use your personal or corporate account.

Power BI for Business Users Training Outline

Chapter 1: Overview

  • The Power BI Business User
  • Power BI License Types
  • The Power BI Service Concepts

Demo: Logging into the Power BI Service

Do Now: Log into the Power BI Service

  • Overview of the Power BI Cell Phone/Mobile App

Chapter 2: A Tour of the Power BI Service

  • Navigating the Power BI Service
  • Locating Content
  • Viewing your Home page
  • Understanding Workspaces

Exercise 2: Explore the Power BI Service

Chapter 3: Working with Visuals

  • Sorting data in a visual
  • Using report filters
  • Drill down and drill up in a visual
  • Focus model and full-screen mode
  • Asking questions with Q&A

Exercise 3: Working with Visuals

Chapter 4: Dashboards, Reports and Apps

  • Reports for Business Users
  • Dashboards for Business Users
  • Subscribing to Dashboards
  • Setting a data alert
  • Power BI Apps

Exercise 4: Explore Dashboards, Reports and Apps

Chapter 5: Course Closure

  • Questions and Answers
  • Coaching and follow-up sessions
  • Evaluation
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.