.NET Web Services: WCF, Web API, gRPC, and SignalR
Course 2601

Price: $2,080.00
Course Outline

.NET includes multiple web service frameworks that allow enterprise applications to gain online access to critical business data. In this .NET Web Services training course, you will program WCF, ASP.NET Web API, gRPC and SignalR web services with C# to exploit each of the frameworks and maximize these technologies. These services connect isolated data to create powerful, distributed .NET applications.

.NET Web Services: WCF, Web API, gRPC, and SignalR Benefits

  • In this course, you will:

    • Create Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services
    • Develop RESTful web services with ASP.NET Web API.
    • Update to the newest .NET Core technology with CoreWCF.
    • Create interoperable services with protobuf technology using gRPC.
    • Harness real-time web services with SignalR.
    • Connect MVC, WPF, and HTML5 browser clients to .NET services.
  • Prerequisites

    • Experience with .NET programming in C# at the level of:
      • Course 419, Introduction to C# Training
    • You should know how to:
      • Write classes containing methods and properties
      • Design and implement programmatic interfaces
      • Have implemented data access in .NET using Entity Framework
      • Craft user interfaces for web or Windows applications with ASP.NET, Windows Forms, or WPF

.NET Web Services Course Outline

Module 1: Web Services Overview

Web service support in .NET

  • The spectrum of .NET service toolkits
  • WCF and coreWCF
  • ASP.NET Web API services
  • gRPC services
  • SignalR real-time services

Module 2: Designing Operation-Oriented Services

Programming WCF services

  • Creating the service interface and implementation
  • Applying attributes to the service and operations
  • Implementing data contracts explicitly and implicitly
  • Employing fault contracts to report service errors

Accessing and hosting WCF services

  • Connecting ASP.NET MVC and WPF clients to WCF
  • Adding service references to client applications
  • Coding clients without adding service references
  • Hosting WCF services with IIS and Windows services

Configuring WCF services                                                                   

  • Authoring service and client configuration
  • Leveraging bindings for interoperability and performance
  • Harnessing service and endpoint behaviors
  • Simplifying configuration under .NET 4.x

Module 3: Migrating to .NET Core 6+

Upgrading WCF Services and clients with CoreWCF                

  • Installing and launching the .NET Upgrade Assistant
  • Creating and migrating WCF Web Services to CoreWCF
  • Connecting .NET 6+ client apps with CoreWCF packages

Module 4: Constructing Resource-Oriented Services

Creating ASP.NET Web API services

  • Programming the API controller
  • Mapping CRUD operations to HTTP verbs
  • GET
  • POST
  • Connecting service URLs to operations with routing

Web API clients and hosting

  • Accessing Web API services from .NET, web and mobile clients
  • Retrieving XML, JSON and Atom formatted data
  • Hosting Web API services in IIS and custom applications

Constructing OData services with Web API

  • Returning IQueryable from controller actions
  • Querying OData service data with $select, $filter and $orderby

Exploiting Web API service features

  • Integrating Web API services with Entity Framework
  • Automating service documentation with help pages
  • Validating with model binding and data annotations

Module 5: Creating modern interoperable Web Services

Generating a gRPC service under .NET Core 6+

  • Creating a gRPC project
  • Specifying the API with protobuf file and proto3 language
  • Generating a gRPC client from the matching protobuf file

Module 6: Building Real-Time Services

Architecting ASP.NET SignalR services

  • Replacing polling with server push
  • Establishing candidate applications for SignalR
  • Chat
  • Monitoring
  • Dashboard
  • Collaboration

Coding SignalR services

  • Developing the hub class
  • Broadcasting to all connected clients
  • Segmenting callbacks with groups

Interacting with SignalR services from browser clients

  • Integrating SignalR with jQuery
  • Responding to SignalR broadcast messages
  • Managing the connection life cycle

Module 7: Securing .NET Web Services

WCF service security

  • Selecting a secure binding
  • Comparing transport and message security
  • Authorizing service operations with principal permissions

ASP.NET Web API security

  • Implementing individual account security with OAuth
  • Integrating Web API with Forms authentication
  • Enabling secure access to services with Authorize
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.