Introduction to Microsoft Access Training
Course 970

Price: $2,080.00
Course Outline

This hands-on Introduction to Microsoft Access course provides experience with the features & functionality of Access 2010. You will learn to design and develop database applications that enable you to organize and control the data in your work environment. With this Access training, you gain the skills to develop and support robust Access systems, manipulate data, perform queries, develop forms, and design sophisticated data analysis reports for professionally produced presentations. You gain the skills to create and integrate macros into your applications, quickly modify forms and reports with selective filtering, sorting and grouping, and link to SharePoint and SQL Server data systems.

  • Familiarity with the Windows graphical environment

  • This course is based on Access 2010 and 2013, but is applicable to earlier versions of Access

Introduction to Microsoft Access Training Benefits

  • Develop and support robust applications to query data, create forms, and design reports
  • Build applications with Form, Table, Report, and Query wizards
  • Create and integrate macros into your applications
  • Implement advanced Access reporting features
  • Migrate to a server for multiuser accessibility

Introduction to Access Course Outline

Microsoft Access Overview

Discovering the interface

  • Quick data functions in reports
  • Categorizing with command groups
  • Changing the view to discover contextual tabs

Overview of database concepts

  • Databases and their contents
  • Flat file and relational databases
  • Conforming Access to RDBMS standards

The fundamentals of database design

  • Tables, records and fields
  • Implementing database normalization
  • Ordering schemes
  • Indexes
  • Setting composite primary keys

Building a Relational Database with Access

Defining the requirements

  • Eliciting user needs and wants
  • Consolidating a design into a system specification
  • Designing the data model

Creating an Access database system

  • Selecting the best Access design style
  • Access tables, fields, indexes
  • Assigning proper field types
  • Table relationships
  • Modifying field functionality with properties

Integrating internal and external data

  • Customizing forms with the Layout View
  • Embedding forms
  • Importing existing tables
  • Protecting data using layered validation
  • Picking controls in Layout and Design Views

Querying Relational Data

Query types and elements

  • Defining queries
  • Choosing fields in the Design View
  • Select, Action and Parameter queries

Developing queries

  • Query wizards
  • Expressions in queries
  • Refining data output with sorting and filtering
  • Creating calculated fields

Access Reports for Data Analysis

Implementing Report wizards

  • Generating quick reports
  • Enhancing your presentation with conditional formatting
  • Exploiting formulas and expressions in reports
  • Sorting out groups and totals

Modifying the standard report formats

  • Adjusting report controls
  • Changing group order and effects
  • Formulating values in expressions
  • Publishing to PDF and XPS formats

Task Automation with Macros

Designing effective macros

  • Point-and-click
  • Embedded macros
  • Macro style guidelines
  • Running a macro from events
  • Picking macro actions and arguments

Event-driven programming

  • Linking forms and reports
  • Associating macros with controls
  • Managing security through the Trust Center
  • Designing a custom Navigation Pane

Access as a Multiuser Front-End

Data separation in Access

  • Creating a non-data ACCDB
  • Strategically placing your data
  • Handling multiuser conflicts

Linking to external data sources

  • The ODBC connectivity standard
  • Utilizing SQL Server data within Access
  • Publishing to the cloud
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.