Creating & Designing Excel Workbooks Training
Course 4610

Price: $488.00
Course Outline

In this Microsoft Excel Workbook training course, you will learn how to create new, well-designed workbooks and gain the essential skills to summarize and analyze datasets and collect, organize, and present large amounts of data — which is pivotal in today’s highly data-driven workplace. Microsoft Excel remains the most efficient and user-friendly tool for working with data on any type of device. Learn to leverage its essential features to create and design Excel Workbooks in this 1-day hands-on course.

Creating & Designing Excel Workbooks Training Benefits

  • In this 1-day course, you will learn how to:

    • Design workbooks to ease routine maintenance.
    • Improve productivity by mastering common Excel tasks.
    • Summarize data with simple calculations.
    • Explore data with tables and charts.
  • Prerequisites


Microsoft Excel Introduction Training Outline

Instructor-Led Training Modules

  • Creating workbooks for business processes
  • Summarizing data with simple calculations
  • Exploring data with tables and charts
  • Synchronizing chart/formula updates with dynamic ranges
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.