Java Web Application Development Training
Course 570

Price: $1,844.00
Course Outline

In this training course, you acquire the experience needed to implement high-performing, scalable, and secure web-based applications, and learn how Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) offers a simple and comprehensive approach to building state-of-the-art enterprise applications.

  • Three to six months of Java programming experience
  • You should have:
    • An understanding of Java classes and the inheritance model
    • The ability to use standard Java APIs
    • Basic working knowledge of XML

  • Familiarity with intranet/internet development technologies, such as HTML, HTTP, and TCP/IP

Java Web Application Development Training Benefits

  • Build robust, data-driven web applications by integrating key components of Java EE.
  • Create dynamic, session-managed, data-driven web applications with Java servlets.
  • Build dynamic web page views with JSP.
  • Implement the MVC design pattern for Java web applications.
  • Use listeners to initialize web sessions and applications.
  • Employ best practices for storing application data.
  • Use database connection pools to reduce latency.
  • Lock down a web application using container managed security.

Java Web Application Development Course Outline

Introduction and Overview

Web application development

  • The requirements of a web application
  • Components of an n-tier architecture

Generating Content with Servlets

Getting started with servlets

  • Integrating servlets into the web application architecture
  • Configuring the servlet development environment
  • Avoiding common servlet pitfalls

Utilizing the Java Servlet API

  • Servlet life cycle methods
  • Accessing servlet environment variables

Creating web-based forms for user input

  • Adding text fields and drop-down lists
  • Retrieving form data in the servlet

Accessing Databases with Servlets

Harnessing Data Access Objects with Java Database Connectivity

  • Connecting to the database
  • Resource Injection
  • Submitting SQL statements
  • Retrieving and processing data

Formatting database results

  • Constructing an HTML table
  • Latency Considerations
  • Database Connection Pooling

Maintaining State in Java Web Applications

Writing cookies to personalize web content

  • Retrieving cookies from a client request
  • Sending cookies to the client
  • Circumventing cookie limitations

Managing application state with sessions

  • Creating a unique session for each user
  • Storing and retrieving Java objects within sessions
  • Controlling a session's life span
  • Creating application and session event listeners
  • Implementing a shopping cart

Key components of Java EE for web development

  • Servlets
  • JSP
  • XML

Creating JavaServer Pages (JSP)

JSP fundamentals

  • Using JSP scriptlets, expressions and declarations
  • Communicating with the client using built-in JSPserver objects
  • Leveraging the JSP 2 Expression Language (EL)

State management with JSP

  • Accessing cookies and sessions
  • Storing common application data

Designing JSP and Servlet Architectures

Integrating JSP and JavaBeans

  • Promoting object reuse
  • Separating application logic from the presentation

Calling JSP from servlets

  • Forwarding Java objects to JSP
  • Using request, session, and application objects to store data
  • Servlet and JSP design patterns

Deploying Java Web Applications

Managing configuration parameters with the deployment descriptor

  • Generating the WAR file
  • Using the hot-deploy directory

Developing custom tags

  • Creating custom tags with JSP 2 tag files
  • Customizing tag behavior with attributes

Implementing Container-Managed Security

Defining security requirements

  • Identifying the security realm
  • Applying security constraints
  • Leveraging Transport Layer Security

Implementing Container-Managed Security

  • Defining security requirements
  • Identifying the security realm
  • Applying security constraints
  • Leveraging Transport Layer Security
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.