DevOps Foundations Training (ICP-FDO Certification)
Course 3641

Price: $1,388.00
Course Outline

In this DevOps Foundations training course, In this course, you will learn about the proven Lean-Agile principles and gain the knowledge you need to earn the ICAgile Foundations of DevOps (ICP-FDO) certification. 

With its emphasis on both the technical and social aspects of DevOps, this course is suitable for Agile software developers, system administrations, DevOps Managers, Tester, or Hands-On Test Managers, as well as anyone seeking to learn DevOps and advance their career in the field.

DevOps Foundations Training (ICP-FDO Certification) Benefits

  • In this ICP-FDO Certification course, you will learn how to:

    • Earn the ICAgile Certified Professional in Foundations of DevOps (ICP-FDO) certification.
    • Execute Continuous Deployment (CD) by coding sharp deployment pipelines.
    • Create real-time feedback by configuring continuous integration and building automation tools.
    • Optimize operations by leveraging virtualization, containers, and cloud technologies.
    • Use a Lean toolkit to foster the ultimate DevOps culture.
    • Test your knowledge in the included end-of-course exam.
    • Leverage an adaptive, value-driven development lifecycle to shorten lead-time.
    • Identify and eliminate waste through value-stream analysis.
    • Take practical steps to implement Lean-Agile in your organization.
  • ICP-FDO Certification Training Prerequisites

    To succeed in this course, you should previously complete at least one of the following courses:

    • Learning Tree course 918, Agile Fundamentals Training
    • Learning Tree course 1813, Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM) Training

    You should also have work experience in Agile software development, system administration, and source code versioning as a DevOps Engineer, DevOps Manager, Tester, or Hands-On Test Manager.

  • ICP-FDO Certification Information

    ICAgile: To obtain the ICAgile certification, students must pass the Learning Tree exam. Learning Tree customer service will process your registration with ICAgile once the exam has been passed. Please allow 10 business days.

DevOps Foundations Training Outline

Module 1: DevOps Thinking

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Augment the benefits of Agile through DevOps
  • Refine the definition of DevOps for better outcomes
  • Assert the core objectives of modern DevOps
  • Establish the core foundations of system thinking
  • Enable communication between development and operations
  • Develop a Kaizen culture for continuous improvement

Module 2: Roles in DevOps

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Create and grow collaborative development teams
  • Foster an automation culture in your organization
  • Define governance to balance agility and rigor
  • Handle formal operation requirements

Module 3: Scripting Configuration Management

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Keep strict control through ubiquitous commits
  • Design infrastructure as code
  • Enforce controls through itemization
  • Computerize dependencies through configuration controls

Module 4: Real-Time Feedback Through Continuous Integration (CI)

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Develop rapid feedback loops through CI (Continuous Integration)
  • Align DevOps to the CI principles
  • Reduce risks through frequent commits
  • Keep the build healthy as a primary control of integrity
  • Automate inspections and tests for better control
  • Automate the build process for continuous feedback

Module 5: Efficient Operations Through Continuous Delivery (CD)

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Delineate CI and CD to achieve complementary objectives
  • Augment ROI through incremental improvements
  • Reduce deployment time through single builds
  • Ensure consistency through a unified deployment process
  • Organize a deployment pipeline to optimize code to production time
  • Gate code changes through code staging
  • Reduce risks with roll-back capabilities
  • Adjust the pipeline for on-premise, SaaS (Software as a Service), and new deployment models

Module 6: Ensuring Quality with Test Automation

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Ensure the pipeline delivers on Test Automation benefits
  • Influence test automation practices through DevOps capabilities
  • Automate testing at multiple levels
  • Accelerate correction speeds through automated test defect management

Module 7: Optimizing Infrastructure Costs

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Utilize a virtual environment to maximize efficiency
  • Use the cloud to lower HW dependence
  • Monitor systems for high availability
  • Handle database level upgrades
  • Manage Test Data as a configuration Item
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.