Mastering Data Stewardship: Hands-On
Course 1287

Price: $1,844.00
Course Outline

Unlock the power of data with our intensive 3-day Data Steward course. Designed for data professionals, this hands-on program covers essential topics such as Data Management, Data Governance, Data Analytics, Data Modelling, and Modern Data Architecture.

Gain practical experience through real-world exercises and learn to leverage industry standards, best practices, and cutting-edge technologies. This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage and govern your organization's data assets.

Mastering Data Stewardship: Hands-On Benefits

  • In this course, you will:

    • Dive deep into data fundamentals, management, governance, analytics, modelling, and architecture.
    • Apply your knowledge with practical exercises using common data storage, analytics, and modelling services.
    • Learn the latest standards, processes, and technologies from experienced instructors.
    • Enhance your skills and advance your career as a data professional with roles like Data Architect, Data Engineer, and Data Modeler.
    • Understand the policies, procedures, and roles critical for managing data security, integrity, and compliance.
    • Stay current with scalable data lakes, purpose-built analytics services, and unified data access and governance solutions.
  • Training Prerequisites

    • Attendees should understand the basic concepts of data management, core data services and technologies, and how the cloud can be used for data management.
    • Experience with Microsoft Azure Portal would be beneficial.

Mastering Data Stewardship Training Outline

Data Fundamentals

Data Overview


Data Lakes

Data Warehouses

Data Analytics

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Business Insights

Data Management

Data Management Overview

  • Collecting, storing, securing, and using an organization’s data
  • Data quality management
  • Data distribution and consistency
  • Big data management
  • Data architecture and data modeling

Data Management Organizations

  • Data Management Association (DAMA)

Data Management Roles and Responsibilities

  • Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Modeler

Data Management Processes

Data Management Workflow

  • Data Collection
  • Data Processing
  • Data Distribution
  • Data Discovery
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Archiving
  • Repurposing

Data Management Services and Applications

Creating a Data Management Plan

Data Analytics

Data Analytics Overview

Data Analytics Process

  • Data collection
  • Data storage
  • Data processing
  • Data cleansing
  • Data analysis

Data collection

  • Extract Transform Load (ETL)
  • Extract Load Transform (ELT)

Data storage

  • Data warehouses
  • Data lakes
  • Comparing data lakes and data warehouses

Data processing

  • Centralized processing
  • Distributed processing
  • Batch processing
  • Real-time processing
  • Data cleansing
  • Data analysis

Data Analytics

  • Descriptive analytics
  • Diagnostic analytics
  • Predictive analytics
  • Prescriptive analytics

Computing techniques used in data analytics

  • Natural language processing
  • Text mining
  • Sensor data analysis
  • Outlier analysis

Data Modelling

Data Modelling Overview

Conceptual Data Models: Big picture view of data

  • What data a system contains
  • Data attributes and conditions or constraints on data
  • What business rules data relates to
  • How data is best organized
  • Security and data integrity requirements

Logical Data Models: Mapping conceptual data classes to technical data structures

  • Data types of various attributes
  • Relationships between data entities
  • Primary attributes or key fields in data

Physical Data Models: Mapping logical data models to a DBMS

  • Data field types as represented in a DBMS
  • Data relationships as represented in a DBMS
  • Performance tuning

Data Modeling Techniques

  • Hierarchical data modeling
  • Graph data modeling
  • Relational data modeling
  • Entity-relationship data modeling
  • Object-oriented data modeling
  • Dimensional data modeling

Data Modeling Process

  • Overview
  • Identify entities and properties
  • Identify relationships between entities
  • Identify data modeling technique
  • Optimize and iterate

Modern Data Architecture

Modern Data Architecture Overview

Scalable Data Lakes

Purpose-Built Analytics Services

Unified Data Access

Unified Data Governance

Data Governance

Data Governance Overview

  • Policies and procedures an organization implements to manage data security, integrity, and responsible data use
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Data security and access control

Data Governance Organizations

  • Data Governance Institute

Data Governance Roles and Responsibilities

  • Data Governance Council/Data Administrator
  • Data Steward
  • Data Custodian

Hands-On Exercises:

  1. Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Data Lake
  2. Hands-on Exercise: Collecting Data with Extract Transform Load (ETL)
  3. Hands-on Exercise: Performing Data Cleansing
  4. Hands-on Exercise: Performing Data Analytics
  5. Hands-on Exercise: Implementing the Data Modelling Process
  6. Hands-on Exercise: Creating Conceptual Data Models
  7. Hands-on Exercise: Creating Logical Data Models
  8. Hands-on Exercise: Creating Physical Data Models
  9. Hands-on Exercise: Examining Data Modeling Techniques
  10. Hands-on Exercise: Examining the Data Modeling Process
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.