Developing Generative AI Solutions on AWS
Course 1244

Price: $1,357.00
Course Outline

This course is designed to introduce generative artificial intelligence (AI) to software developers interested in using large language models (LLMs) without fine-tuning.

The course provides an overview of generative AI, planning a generative AI project, getting started with Amazon Bedrock, the foundations of prompt engineering, and the architecture patterns to build generative AI applications using Amazon Bedrock and LangChain. 

Developing Generative AI Solutions on AWS Benefits

  • Training Prerequisites

    • AWS Technical Essentials
    • Intermediate-level proficiency in Python 

Gen AI Solutions on AWS Training Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Generative AI Art of the Possible

  • Overview of ML  
  • Basics of generative AI  
  • Generative AI use cases  
  • Generative AI in practice  
  • Risks and benefits

Module 2: Planning a Generative AI Project

  • Generative AI fundamentals
  • Generative AI in practice
  • Generative AI context
  • Steps in planning a generative AI project
  • Risks and mitigation

Module 3: Getting Started with Amazon Bedrock

  • Introduction to Amazon Bedrock
  • Architecture and use cases
  • How to use Amazon Bedrock
  • Demonstration Setting up Bedrock access and using playgrounds

Module 4: Foundations of Prompt Engineering

  • Basics of foundation models
  • Fundamentals of Prompt Engineering
  • Basic prompt techniques
  • Advanced prompt techniques
  • Model-specific prompt techniques
  • Demonstration Finetuning a basic text prompt
  • Addressing prompt misuses
  • Mitigating bias
  • Demonstration Image bias mitigation

Module 5: Amazon Bedrock Application Components

  • Overview of generative AI application components  
  • Foundation models and the FM interface  
  • Working with datasets and embeddings  
  • Demonstration Word embeddings  
  • Additional application components  
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation RAG  
  • Model finetuning  
  • Securing generative AI applications  
  • Generative AI application architecture

Module 6: Amazon Bedrock Foundation Models

  • Introduction to Amazon Bedrock foundation models  
  • Using Amazon Bedrock FMs for inference  
  • Amazon Bedrock methods  
  • Data protection and auditability  
  • Demonstration Invoke Bedrock model for text generation using zeroshot prompt

Module 7: LangChain

  • Optimizing LLM performance  
  • Using models with LangChain  
  • Constructing prompts 
  • Demonstration Bedrock with LangChain using a prompt that includes context  
  • Structuring documents with indexes  
  • Storing and retrieving data with memory  
  • Using chains to sequence components  
  • Managing external resources with LangChain agents

Module 8: Architecture Patterns

  • Introduction to architecture patterns  
  • Text summarization  
  • Demonstration Text summarization of small files with Anthropic Claude  
  • Demonstration Abstractive text summarization with Amazon Titan using LangChain  
  • Question answering  
  • Demonstration Using Amazon Bedrock for question-answering  
  • Chatbot  
  • Demonstration Conversational interface Chatbot with AI21 LLM  
  • Code generation  
  • Demonstration Using Amazon Bedrock models for code generation  
  • LangChain and agents for Amazon Bedrock  
  • Demonstration Integrating Amazon Bedrock models with LangChain agents 
Course Dates
Attendance Method

How will you be attending the class?

Selecting 'Live Virtual' allows you to attend remotely from work or home. You will receive email communication well before the class starts with detailed instructions on how to validate your equipment and connect to the classroom for a quality learning experience.

Additional Details (optional)

Private Team Training

Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.